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This simple yet powerful quote by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin describes both - the human predicament as well as the solution that is in everyone's reach.

The human predicament is to believe that we are human beings needing to strive to become spiritual. It implies that we are confined to a human form and the limited understanding of the mind, and that we somehow need to become something more or something better. The widespread affliction of feeling that we are "not good enough" has its roots in this misunderstanding.

The solution is to be found in the second part of the statement: "we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience". Our true nature is Divine. Just like a wave is always water, our divine essence is never separate from who we are. Whether we know it or not, we are and always have been Spiritual Beings living, for a time, in a human form. The recognition of this Truth transforms our life profoundly and completely.

It takes a definite practice as well as specific instruction to shift from our everyday human awareness to trusting and recognizing the truth of our Divine Nature. The practice of Meditation and the study of the ancient science of Oneness allow for the recognition to dawn in each and every being who wants to know this eternal Truth for her/himself.

Our year-long Meditation Teacher Training gives you a chance to deeply recognize your own Truth as the Spiritual Being that you are, and to learn how to share this vision skilfully. There is no more fulfilling way of connecting with people, then to guide them to recognize their own True Nature.

A new Meditation Teacher Training starts on November 14. If your inner voice is guiding you towards the depth of your own Divine Nature, we have a couple of spots open and the early bird rebate still applies. If you inspire a friend to sign up I am happy to offer you a free 1 hour Meditation Mentoring session as a thank you. For all details check this link:, or send me an e-mail with your questions:

Writer's picture: Sampriya Sampriya

One of the most impactful things my teacher told me when I first met him was: "You have never done anything wrong". Upon hearing these words, something in me released. A weight I didn't know I was carrying fell off my shoulders.

"You have never done anything wrong" applies to all of us. But what is the Sage truly saying, and which aspect of our being is he addressing with these words? Our ego/mind will most likely have an immediate reaction to hearing them. It will refute these words as incorrect, and it will point out all the situations in which it believes that we did or said the wrong thing.

This happens because the ego/mind owns all its actions as "mine". It is certain that "if I do things right, the good outcome is due to me and if I do the wrong thing, the ensuing failure is my fault". It has forgotten that without the Self, the Source, it is not even able to breathe, let alone to act, speak and think. Without the Self, there is no world, no story and no person saying: "I exist, and it is me doing this right, or doing that wrong".

Only because we believe to exist as an individual, separate from the Self, do we assume that our actions and words are ours and that they can be wrong.

We need to remember that the Self is the Indweller, who appears to live in this body and use the instrument of the mind and senses to experience this world. The part of the Self that we call our ego/mind does not exist by itself as a separate or individual existence. It can therefore never "do" anything wrong, as if, independently from the Self. It only exists as the "hands and feet of the Self", moving and acting as the Self.

So let's no longer forget that as that Self, we are Pure Free Forever. There is no part of what we call "me" that could ever be anything other than the Self. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum.

Contact Sampriya for a free 20 min. introduction to private Online Meditation Mentoring

Writer's picture: Sampriya Sampriya

In many traditions the cultivation of gratitude is considered a spiritual practice. It is easy to see why, when we study what happens as we practice gratitude.

Our attention usually rests with the thoughts in our head. We know that thoughts come and go without our inviting them. They randomly pop in and out and they usually are focused on our needs and wants, or on how we can make the day unfold according to our preferences. When we practice gratitude, our attention shifts from the projection of what we want in the near of far future to what is right now. It reorients itself away from the story in our head to the present moment - to what is, as it is.

The power of gratitude lies in this shift. Our attention is no longer consumed with thoughts; it is now aligned with the Space in which the thoughts come and go. This is the same infinite Space we become aware of in Meditation - the Space that is the Source of all thoughts and also the Source of all that is in manifestation. Our lives, our bodies, the circumstances we experience personally and collectively are manifested forms of this unchanging Space of the Self in which they appear.

The deepest practice of gratitude is to tune in to the fact that the Self is our Source and that we are never separate from it. This form of gratitude is a gift to ourselves that reveals our unchanging True Nature as the Self.

When our human lives are confronted with many hardships and when it seems that everything goes against our preferences, the practice of gratitude can become a guiding light. It gives us a chance to remember that we are not the sum of our circumstances or preferences, but the pure Light of the Self in a human form. Shining that Light with love and awareness is the highest form of gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in the US.

With much love and infinite gratitude to all of you


Contact Sampriya for a free half hour introduction to private Online Meditation Mentoring

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